Monday, December 28, 2009

11 Dangan Park Dublin

You Minnie ... my sister! Minnie is the cat I live with! W Minnie

Pny P-sf-5300-pa Drivers

Here I am!

Monday, December 7, 2009


Witches and fairies Umit Unal

It is not unusual coming from the Doors, the shop Ümit Ünal workshop in Istanbul (Tunel Sokak Ensiz, 1B), the music is that of Antony and the Johnsons.
His clothes seem to be created for women suspended in a magical aura, a little 'witch and a little' do. Ümit but now denies. His life follows the fashion. The magic is in life and not outside of it, is in tears, in music, true love, in destiny (for one of his collections was inspired by the Fates). The magic is in the beauty that goes beyond the exterior to understand the depths of the mind and passions of the heart. Antony also said, alluding to the music flowing as we speak, is the magic of life.
Thus, the fairy touch of her clothes do not aspire to the dream, but emerge from the lived reality. Ümit Ünal sedimented in things like the signs and try to translate that into his style. Fashion designer? prefers to define an archaeologist in search of details of the past, vintage materials, colors dull, dusty, forgotten ... not by chance that the last collection was inspired by the Amish community in Pennsylvania where the lifestyle is still in the nineteenth century .
Ümit Ünal started to write his letters thread sewn onto the fabric at the age of eight years next to his father at work. It does still leave traces on his clothes craft, with the basting stitches loose. It is his way of communicating. In a world where everything is produced and consumed quickly, hoping that his clothes made for prêt-à-porter cure his long haute couture, to help recover and to go along with the slowness of time, the 'unique to Ümit leads to what is true and deep. On the walls of Doors, in the hangers of clothes, left his beautiful drawings and little messages to the reader. On a large table, pomegranates, bread, pears, small flowers speak of a daily life that Ümit, runs there, there, in the embrace of a long love of the consolidated mutual understanding. Working with him, in fact, a small community made up of talented family members and dear friends. Downstairs is their cuisine. Doors, Ümit is a place whose doors are open for all to browse and get to the heart of the people. places are important to him. It recognizes that his fashion, often as a modern metropolitan istanbuliota has a soul. Istanbul is a city that runs toward the future, but the huge load of his past opposition to join the fold and live. Similarly, innovative forms of his creations are dressed in old colors. And then keep going. When he meets a woman on the street wearing his dress, sitting at a table in a bar sipping a cup of tea at that time felt the success of his work, because her dress is a really entered into the life, as any one thing, like a smile, food, a gust of wind ...
Umit Unal doors an the Johnsons Antony fashion design istanbul turkey shopping tunel giovanna angel fashion design istanbul travel travel

( The Gazette Istanbul, Year XVII, November 2009, n. 11)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Colon Resection More Condition_symptoms


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wizja Piekla W Pismie Sw

Apocalypse Blues


Carl Mcnickle Tom Bannen

Schrödinger's cat

Poppit Stress Buster Game

breakfast bar bordeaux monaco


Friday, October 23, 2009

Populous-the Beginning Vollversion

Small Green House Plans

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ole Time Woodsman Fly Dope Wikipedia

The five rules to keep your dog healthy

  1. carefully Treating food hygiene;
  2. to walk the dog often to 'open air;
  3. Keep a small pharmacy at your fingertips;
  4. immediately see any "symptoms";
  5. Place a periodic inspection by the veterinarian.

Occinfo Career Ladder For Musician

Laika the first dog went to the moon

Laika is one of the names that are known to the female dog that November 3 1957 left Earth aboard the space capsule Soviet Sputnik 2 .
Kudrjavka His real name was, and is often called Muttnik (from which in English means mutt mutt Sputnik and the name of the dish). The capsule
Sputnik 2 was equipped for life support and carried food and water but did not plan to return, then the fate of Laika was marked from the beginning of the mission. The capsule was also equipped with sensors that permit monitoring of the passenger's vital signs as blood pressure , heartbeat and breathing rate . Until recently it was certain that after the launch of Sputnik 2 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome , Laika had come alive in orbit but after the entry into the orbit of the details his fate was uncertain. There are in fact different versions of the facts mixed.
According to some sources, Laika died a few hours after the entry into orbit, while others estimate that Laika survived for about ten days (hypothesis unlikely because the batteries that powered the systems of
Sputnik 2 ran out after about six days).
The official version of the time given by the Soviet government
is that Laika survived for "over four days." However, in October 2002 were made public the results of new research by a Russian scientist ( Dimitri Malashenkov ), which revealed that Laika survived for only a period of between 5 and 7 hours after takeoff because of hot and cold temperature changes.

Sendspace Fumi Zekka Avi

The True Story of Balto

Balto (1922) was a siberian husky owned by Leonard Seppala won all the biggest sled dog racing with his protégé Togo.

The beginning of the epidemic

January 19, 1925, broke out in Alaska, in a town called Name a strong outbreak of diphtheria antitoxin and stocks were missing because of an epidemic broke out in 1918. The first case of diphtheria was reported on an Inuit child, but the doctor diagnosed tonsillitis visiting it, because no other family members reported symptoms of diphtheria. The child died the next morning (the mother did not authorize an autopsy and it worsened the situation) and then began to experience many other similar cases. The first official case of disease occurred, however, January 20, 1925. It was a council convened emergency Welch (the doctor who visited the Inuit child) Name and declared in a state of quarantine. He was ordained a million vials of antitoxin, but the stock was closer than three hundred thousand units in (9 kg in all) was in Anchorage, the capital, which is to name more than one thousand seven hundred kilometers. Was not directly connected to Anchorage to Nome, the railroad carried only up to about a thousand kilometers to Nenana and bad weather prevented the planes take off and icebergs prevented ships from docking.
Relay for serum

To mitigate this problem then you chose to use a method increasingly used by the mail, that is, the sled dogs. The antitoxin
who was in Nenana was near six hundred miles from Nome, the company was then organized a relay race of twenty teams of dogs.
The first one was from Edgar Bill Shannon who traveled 52 miles, then fell to Edgar Kalland that traveled 31 miles, then 28 miles to Green, Johnny Folger 26, Sam Joseph 34, 24 Nikotai Titus, Dave 30 Corning, Hewnry Pitka 30, McCarty 28, Edgar 24 Nollnerr, George Noller (brother) 30, 36 Tommy Patsy, the Indian Koyokuk 40, Victor 34 Anagick, Myles Gonagnan 40. Now was the turn of Leonard Seppala with his boss suit Toto, the fastest dog in the area, he cut 91 miles to the plain of Norton where the ice was very thin, saving several miles. After he fell to Charlie Olson with 25 miles and finally Gunnar Kasson carrying the antitoxin for the last 53 miles with a dog Leonadr of Seppala, Balto, considered good by the owner only to bring mail for short stretches. They came to name
February 2, 1925 after covering 674 miles in 127 hours at a temperature of about -40 °.

Balto after the race

Balto to the fact that it came with the antitoxin to Nome was honored with a short film shot in the same year and a statue in Central Park in New York. Kasson
Balto and also did a tour of the United States where they were praised by all. Leonard Seppala, however, have made him aware of the company more hard together to Togo, was able to get credit and walked with his dog to do the same within Kasson, while he returned to Alaska after he sold his eight dogs. After that Kasson was never heard anything, Balto and the other dogs instead ended up in the clutches of a person who could be anything but a dog lover.
were kept the chain in poor hygienic conditions, abused and forced to perform in a club.
Fortunately they were noticed by George Kimble, who decided to buy them, but to do so would have had to raise $ 2,000 in two weeks. Kimble then organized a collection for charity through the radio, and a school. So, how Balto saved him children, the children were now to save him. After being released, Balto and the other dogs were taken to Brookside Zoo where they were treated in Cleveland. Balto went blind, deaf and arthritic at the age of 11 years, until March 1933. Togo died at the age of 17 years instead.

Balto's body was embalmed and then today you can see at the Natural History Museum in Cleveland, but the embalmed body of Togo is located in the Museum of Natural History in Wasilla, Alaska.

Daniel Poplawski Montreal

Guisness Canini

here are the dogs most famous, or should I say frse strangest in the world!

start well ..

From the dog ... more elastic in the world!

The dog world's most muscular de ...

The longest

The biggest!

The fattest dog in the world

... and the ugliest

The second most beautiful dog in the world


... and the highest!

Well, we're still thinking?! Sbizzarritevi with comments!

Anna Thomas Break Apart

Bramble the dog world's oldest

The oldest living dog in the world is an English collie. He has 27 years and could come right in the Guinness Book of Records. Secret of his longevity, according to owner Anne Heritage, is a vegetarian diet and long walks on the streets of the old days Somerset.Ogni Bramble, the name of Collie, was released from at least four times at home, eat little food and especially light such as rice, lentils and vegetables. Now he is the oldest in the world, and until 2000, keeper of the dog's longevity record, it was a Fred, the original English and ranges up to 29 years. And just because it lacks Bramble exceed the record of all time, still held by a dog in Australia was able to withstand up to thirty years.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Boschdishwasher Servicemanual

The secret gardens of Palmyra in Syria

Of course when you arrive Palmyra, the impact with its archaeological wonders, with its columns, with its temples that rise for thousands of years planted in the middle of the Syrian desert, with the same pride of their queen Zenobia, was satisfied enough to leave the green dark and stopped just beyond the palm trees, only as an exotic backdrop of so much beauty. But the oasis of Palmyra is an experience in itself. is already seeing the temples from behind the tall palm trees umbrellas worth the stretch in a walk through the walls of stone and mud that hide the secret gardens of the oasis. Kahtani, greets me as I look at the branches laden with unripe pomegranates that fold out from the edges of walls and invites us into his garden. did not know there were so many different gardens in the oasis and in fact are out of sight of passers, so you need an invitation. We settle in the shade of a large shed and trunks of palm branches and dried. Kahtani lighting a fire for tea with cinnamon, then sits down with us and brings us a delicious syrup, olives and dates. He explains that the ground water is delivered at every turn in the garden through a system of canals that run along the boundary walls and then shows us his plants. Palms, first of all, many at the top, there to collect the sun harder and give dates and shadow. Then, below, the olive trees on a large land clearly distinguishable from the sand, and festive pomegranate fleeing from the fence. At the bottom, take the cotton plant as it grew. The tea is ready. The glass cups are placed on a palm trunk that serves as a table. Even the dates are very sweet. Kahtani sort of takes out a notebook in which notes in Arabic pronunciation of some words in the languages \u200b\u200bof those who come to visit him in order to store the sound. They are generally German and English ones who venture along the paths of the oasis. We need more tea and opened a book on the French in Syria where there is a picture of her in the chapter dedicated to Palmira: Palmyre. The Bedouin kahtani et la Palmeraie . When we go out of his garden, we carry a small pack with dates of that piece of oasis and, in the eyes, gestures kahtani elegant, lithe in his clear coat, with its red keffiyeh behind the branches of olive trees.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Chuck Song Pa Papapapapa Paaaa Episode

Majolica Ceart: the uniqueness of imperfection

Salvatore Messina a few years ago he decided to open her own pottery workshop (Ceart) on a side street a bit 'secluded medieval village of Erice. First there is the love for the subject, for the land worked by hand, for color pigments that open pathways to unexpected chromatic after cooking. Often the clay is used in the first impure prehistoric pottery that Salvatore has found through his studies of marine archeology. The observation of the oldest pottery has confirmed his love for the imperfect. Has taken the ancient technique of working the clay without the potter's wheel, resulting in less precise form, but most popular for their restless curves. This has been arrived passing through the study of design. The contact with the object in perfect form and its potential serial, led him to contrast, to highlight the uniqueness of its pottery that is illegal, inaccurate and unrepeatable. In his work always leaves a wide margin of experiments in which, despite the knowledge technology, there is the chance of valuable space, the random, unexpected. The unpredictable effect can shine glazes nuances of luminescence and the more valuable because unexpected, while the small failures consolidate the experience in dealing with the matter. In the blue, green, white, yellow in the suggestions of his passes and Erice Sicily in particular. Large domes, fish-bellied water bowls, candlesticks ... forms are exaggerated, overflowing with commas clay, overflowing with decorations and glaze. E 'immediate recall to the Baroque, but the intention was rather to recover the deformation of the Romanesque fantastic and monstrous figures guarding the cathedral. And so the fish with green enamel, swollen and large, they become fearful medieval dragons ... Small fonts evoke the intimate atmosphere of the churches of Erice, the baptismal fonts of marble, but to the Savior, as well as ancient forms of tradition, are references to his faith and have a high symbolic value for him. So even the icons painted in his studio, which include the greek-orthodox tradition of his mother's family, of Croatian origin. And then the large tiled domes and bell towers spied on every day against the blue of the sky or among the mists of Erice fast and beautiful necklaces Ceramic recalling the millennial era Phoenician jewelry found in the nearby island of Mozia ... Each of these works of art lives of many scales, spirals, twists, scales, including chromatic and strong at the same time slide left undefined at times reveal the nakedness of hard clay, the primal matter, pigments and the land that are processed otherwise by the wisdom of the hands, the love for experimentation and dall'irripetibilità appropriate.
Erice, Sicily, Sicily, travel, art ceramics, earthenware, Mozia, Trapani, handmade, design, Mediterranean, savoir-faire, crafts, shopping, crafts, tipical pottery, raku, holy water, Baroque, apartment Jasmine