Thursday, October 28, 2010

George Dalli Manarchist

Walking here and there .... What PECK

What a lovely stroll through this city.
Regardless of time, rain, fog, sun, always fails to appreciate Milan.

also for the shops. Already much choice!

But you know that there are also many magnificent historic shops, call shops or rather, still working and famous?!

Today for example I went to Peck, on Via Spadari.

In 1883, a butcher of Prague, Francis Peck, in Milan decided to open a shop with a workshop of "German-style sausages and meat." Today

Peck offers high-quality food to satisfy all customers who visit it.
Great variety and quality, which combine with the cordiality of different people.

try it.
Also buy a single product, but I am convinced, will be leaving the store very happy and with a nice green bag in his hands.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Booze Cruise In Columbia, Mo


Milan is not only the well-known business city, hectic, fast ...
not only immense traffic, queues that never end, chaos to the stars ...
Have you ever tried perhaps, in those long queues to look around and try to find out what really gives this city?
I'm sure that as soon as you know it, you will never forget and I always carry it in your heart.
Already, it is not difficult to find a little 'to the right and a bit' left something to get capture your attention ... You may be wondering even what it is.
And when Milan was born? Why is it called Milan? What has been and what will never be Milan?
But then, what's in Milan?
Certainly the city changes, but much remains.
Take some time and walks the streets of this "Lady". Or will it be more masculine?
Among the force of power and grace of the arts, the city has expanded, it must be appreciated for what they still keep it hidden like a pearl in a casket.
Revenue in all that Milan has to offer and find out, I warrant, to the astonishment what was past, present and future, what really makes Milan still a De Magnalibus Mediolani.

The purpose of this blog therefore is to soak in the beauty of the city.
Slowly I will try to post all of my knowledge, and you will realize how truly Milan can still offer.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Concierto Obama Bruce Springeen