Monday, December 27, 2010

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De Magnalibus Mediolani

DE MAGNALIBUS Mediolani (The Wonders of Milan)
Bonvesin de la Riva

Milanese resident near the bank of Ticinese, master of grammar, services of the religious lowly, in 1288 Bonvesin decided to write the text of De Magnalibus Mediolani.
The praise to the city of Mediolanum, our old Milan, was born with the aim of awakening from ignorance, not only foreigners, but fellow citizens, that he realizes the dignity and admiration that the city could offer.
The consequences of reading this text should emphasize in thanking and praising God for the wonders created, that foreigners respect, honor and defend the Milanese, after acknowledging their nobility and dignity that the citizens do not ever leave the nobility and remain tied to their homeland.

The chapters that make up the text 8:
  • praise of Milan and its suburbs for its position
  • praise for his homes
  • praise for its inhabitants
  • praise for its fertility and the abundance of all good
  • praise for his strength
  • praise for his constant fidelity
  • praise for his freedom
  • praise for his dignity
The decision was made to celebrate the glories and local socio-economic framework for a city, sometimes with a streak too much, almost invented.

Alba in Mediolanum Galvano Fiamma, Chronica de antiquitatibus civitatis Mediolani first half of the fourteenth century., Library Trivulziana, Milan

Chapter II - XII
Who will look closely and diligently with his eyes all these things, will never find, even turning the entire world, such a paradise of delights.

Chapter III -
The native of Milan, of both sexes are of a particular size, they look rather benevolent and smiling, no trick, cunning use less of other peoples, so that they are distinguishable even more than others from the remaining populations. They live with dignity, order, width, dignity, wearing ladies clothes, wherever they are, at home and abroad, are quite free in spending, honor and do justice, and are urban in the way they behave and live. As their language, the different languages \u200b\u200bwe speak and understand more easily than any other, so they themselves, among any people, are recognizable only by their appearance. They are religious more than all the others ...

Chapter VIII - VIIII
You are the characteristics for which Milan is superior in a particular way, it seems to me, in every city. First, the abundance of good water. Second, the abundance of religious and honesty. Third, the high number of scholars in the college of jurists. Fourth, the particular rite divine distinguished from any other ecclesiastical rite Christian cities, and also for the carnival. Fifth, for the dignity of his episcopate. Sixth, for the incomparable fidelity it, how can we evaluate the description of his exploits, has consistently pointed towards the Church.

Chapter VIII - X
There are two particular defects, whether it was permissible to say, of our city: the absence of civil concord, and lack of a port that allows the arrival of ships from the sea and if could make up for both, would follow a wonderful utility and an increase of glory. To remedy the first defect I hope it will be worth the prayers of the righteous, the latter might make up for if the mighty of our land dedicated to the completion of that work in those energies that seek to destroy each other and nell'estorcere money to their fellow citizens to feed their evil companies. is evident from what has been said that our city, all things considered, has no equal in the world, it is clear that it's like another world separate from the rest, it is clear that not only deserves to be called second Rome, but, if I was allowed to say what I like without being accused of presumption, to I believe it would seem fitting and right that the papacy and other dignity were all transferred here from you.

Chapter VIII - XII
From the interpretation of his name can be known in our city. Indeed MEDIOLANUM begins with M and ends with the same letter. In between there are two letters, ie O and L. The first and last letter, M, being larger than the other, it means the width of the glory of Milan, widespread throughout the world. With the M placed at the beginning and end means the number one thousand, beyond which there is no single number that can indicate a single word, and so it expresses a perfect number in its uniqueness, meaning that from the beginning to the end of the world Milan has been and will be counted on the list of perfect cities. O, one of the two letters are in the middle of the word, round and perfect and more noble and more beautiful than any other, expresses, in Milan, the roundness, the beauty, dignity and perfection. Our city is literally round and beautiful and more perfect than any other city. The L means but also the length and the height of his nobility and glory, because, thanks to the prayers and merits of the Blessed Virgin Mary and other saints and the Blessed Ambrogio, whose bodies lie here, and holy religious, its nobility and its glory will remain until the end of the world, by the grace of God

Chapter VIII - XIII
It should also be noted that in this word we have all five vowels, each occupying a place in every syllable. This suggests that, as the word of our city does not lack any voice, so the city does not lack any good they need the five human senses. And as the words of all the other cities lack any of the five vowels, so those cities compared to Milan lack any good. Since then such and so great our city, as was evident, I think it necessarily follows that those who can, respecting the truth, say city of Milan, home of so much glory. Provided, however, that does not degenerate from the natural strain, otherwise it would seem to cause shame, not glory, not only to himself but to his homeland. In fact, the nobility of any large family or home, once the probity of morals degenerate nobility, falls below that the lack of nobility.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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Monday, December 20, 2010

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is Christmas: Panettone

It's Christmas and is the typical sweet panettone from Milan, no doubt. But why is
connected to Milan? Why is this so popular? Of course, as other substances, the simple answer is that logic has been invented in this city. But how? I will you ever wondered?
Like many other famous and delicious dishes, including the birth of the cake is linked to many legends that touch times a bit 'away. We discover then what about the tradition! A
you choose the best birth.
Every night Hugh came out of her window to get into the garden and climb over the wall. He lived in that beautiful house that his father, the canvas or Atellani Giacomotto, had received a gift from Ludovico il Moro, as one of his captains. Even today this house there, right in Corso Magenta, next to the Basilica of Santa Maria delle Grazie. Hugh had to reach the workshop of Toni, the baker, where he met his Adalgisa. It was a secret love, actually opposed by her family. Adalgisa, however, was tired lately: the work had increased since the boy was sick Toni.
Ugo did not want to give up the meetings with Adalgisa clothes and presented himself humble, he was the falconer
of Ludovico il Moro, came as a new take on the baker's apprentice.
Despite the help, the business of the shop continued to deteriorate due to the opening of a new
shop nearby.
Ugo lost no time, stole a pair of hawks to the Moor and sold them to buy some butter. At night, while kneading the usual ingredients, the preparation also added all the butter is purchased. The next day the shop was assaulted and already talking like the most delicious bread in Milan. In the days after two other hawks were sacrificed for the purchase of additional butter and a bit 'of sugar to be added to the mixture of bread. Toni became the bread special. As winter approached, the best deals and Hugh and Adalgisa could again think of a future to go along.
Under the Christmas holidays, Hugh decided to enrich the recipe for "special bread" by adding eggs, bits of candied citron and raisins. All Milan arrived to the shop to buy what was the "pangrande" or "pan del Toni" (hence the term panettone), to serve on the table during the day of celebration. Toni became rich and therefore the love between Ugo and Adalgisa was also approved by the family Atellani. The young couple were married and lived happily ever after.

Another legend says that the court of Ludovico il Moro, like every Christmas, he served for the Duke and his guests, a sumptuous banquet. The head chef kept everything under control and instructed the many submitted to the stove and table service. The dishes were distributed maintaining proper breaks between course and the next, ending with a wonderful dessert. The chef personally oversaw the mixture, whose secret recipe was handed down from father to son in his family for centuries. The Lord of Milan would be left amazed by this wonder of the palate.
Since the time was working in the kitchens and all had something to do, you forgot to remove the cake from the oven. When he saw the cook in the oven just a ball found charred and inedible. It was too late to prepare a dough again so elaborate, it mattered little who had forgotten the cake in the oven, so if Louis would have taken with him and sentenced to death. Desperate to cook up a chair and sank began to cry softly.
Toni, a poor garbage boy, approached him saying that he had kept for himself a bit 'in the dough of the cake which was allowed to add a bit' of candied fruit, eggs, sugar and raisins. He wanted to cook after work to get something to eat. He offered to cook the opportunity to bring that sweet at the table to make something edible. The cook desperate accepted. Despite the poor appearance, having nothing to lose, the cake was distributed to the table. The pan del Toni received a really big success, so that the order was to serve him in all the Christmas Banquet for the following years. Soon the custom spread among the entire population.
Another legend yet, but says Sister Ughetta, cook a poor convent, and how he decided to join the few remaining ingredients in the kitchen of monastery, to give the his sister a Christmas a little 'happier. He took the bread dough and added eggs and sugar. On a shelf he found a little 'plums and raisins . Christmas blessing for the bread you drew above with the knife, a cross. The sisters were enthusiastic about the surprise and soon the news spread of the convent of bread all over Milan. The citizens began so to bid at the convent she could continue a richer life, to bring home a bit 'of that special bread.

Friday, December 17, 2010

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The Basilica of San Lorenzo

The Basilica of San Lorenzo was probably built between the fourth and fifth centuries AD
Compared to the Ambrosian basilica, stands still for centuries maintained a central plan, capped by 4 towers and 3 buildings connected to satellites such as the Shrine of Sant'Aquilino, that of Hippolytus, and as the last of San Sisto.
remain uncertain of the reasons why the building was constructed and the exact date. Remain safe when the 258 years during the month of August all three saints were martyred, and 465 when the Archbishop Eusebius was buried in the chapel of St. Hippolytus.
Scholars are fairly unanimous in recognizing that the church was a building with perhaps imperial civil function. Connected to the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, Hagia Sophia in Constantinople and the Pantheon, was to link the capitals of the empire and ideally represent the myth of the Roman world.
Some people want to recognize the famous basilica Portiani used by the Aryans with the Bishop Auxentius and then occupied by Ambrose for over 4 weeks, waiting for the surrender of the Aryans. It is said that it was during this forced stay in the building, that the great Archbishop wrote the Ambrosian hymns.

The excavations began in 700 and continued into the next century with the Amati and Kothe. In 900 he occupied other hand, the architects Annoni, Giani, Calderini, clerics and Mirabella Roberti. Through this work it was discovered that the basilica was built in a very marshy which flowed in the channels of the river and the Seveso Vetra, formed by the waters of the Olona and then proceeded with the name of Channel Vettabia south. The area of \u200b\u200bPiazza Vetra was then recognized as that of the Roman port. To maintain a building on such land, it was therefore necessary to prepare, drain and consolidate the soil with other materials.
Research has demonstrated the recovery of materials from the ancient amphitheater, which reinforces the recognition of the church as a building linked to the imperial power . After the end of the games arena, it is claimed that at least the outer ring of the amphitheater was completely dismantled to create the foundations of San Lorenzo. It was not necessary to keep a building no longer used, and also to address the lack of building material, it was decided to delete the old building. If this were true, the dating of the basilica of San Lorenzo can be dated before 402, the year in which the court moved from Milan to Ravenna. Whether it was building an imperial is reinforced by the fact that when he entered the Barbarossa sacked Milan and in 1162, did not touch the four towers of the church. Of course, the famous emperor could not get to destroy a construction bound to the Holy Roman Empire and that he wanted to keep. Excavations it was learned that the body of the church and chapels, and Sant'Aquilino Sant'Ippolito are coeval, while San Sisto is the latest.
part of the foundations are clearly visible in the Shrine of Sant'Aquilino. Specifically found during the excavations of 1910-11, the underground (- 4 / 7m) is also shaped blocks of different materials. We recognize fragments of columns, capitals. The blocks are positioned either horizontally or vertically and are welded together by mortar. Below is instead a layer of concrete that rests directly on a pile of oak laid in the ground. Visible remains of a drainage channel that allowed the soil to drain and convey the water into the lower parts, compacting the soil.

Thanks to the excavation it was possible to affirm the presence of a portico in front of the basilica. It still recognize the 16 columns (7.60 m h) dated to the second century AD Roman C.
It was discovered for the first time in 1071, when the church and surrounding buildings suffered a fire. Musso marble, fluted and have refined and several Corinthian capitals, is supposed to come from the same building, probably result, which however has never given a name. Were modified during the Middle Ages, between 1200 and 1400, adding a brick plinth and lintel. Around 1530-50 he settled the first attempt at dismantling the colonnade to the steps of Charles V and his entourage. To this was opposed by the governor Ferrante Gonzaga. In 1786 he opposed the hand of Prince Kaunitz, as opposed to the proposal that he wanted to use Pollack for a new facade of the Brera. In 900 it was proposed to be moved to the Castle for even more storage. In 1934, the plan promoted Albertini complete destruction of the houses that occupied the quadrangle. The opening of the new church square, emphasizes the form of the space. Mussolini did you place a copy of the statue of Emperor Constantine located in Rome, but the columns have been restored and consolidated retained in their original positions.

facades and exterior
The facade of the basilica dates back only to 1892, designed by Cesare Nava. 500tesche faithful to the ways of the Netherlands, the facade is based on the order giant. The front is preceded by a portico with three arches with elegant pilasters with Ionic capitals. It is then topped by a frieze with folders in which we read the dedication and a broken cornice. The material used is cement similpietra. Beyond the portico stands the lantern of the dome and flanked by two towers - the fortress. To the left of the tower is to be severed, perhaps as a result of the fall of 1573, right in the Romanesque period that was turned into a bell tower was equipped with a cell bay. Beside the church buildings appear Canoniche School, built by Cardinal Federico Borromeo in 1625ca designed by Aurelio Trezise. Amended and supplemented in the years 30 of 900, also allow you to imagine a more concrete way in the full form of the old quadrangle.
looking at the outside we can see the different wall structures of the various buildings that make up the complex, and interventions over the centuries. Between colors and shapes, you can see perfectly the lobby of the Shrine of Sant'Aquilino link that shows the original isolation of the chapel. The walls of the chapel is original except the upper gallery where fake marble columns with capitals were replaced by brick pillars.
The plant consists of two concentric squares bolted to the sides, with continuous ambulatory and four square towers at the corners. The damage may esedre pierced quatrefoil shape. The materials used are stone, log Lombard, gneiss, granite of Baveno. The esedre have ribbed spherical shells and open upstairs in the gallery, perhaps originally reserved for members of the imperial family and to high administrative and military hierarchies. The esedre are connected by arches that allow you to see the piers of the ancient square and their towers. The diagonal arrangement of the arches can perceive a central form of irregular octagon. This is due to the intervention of Martin Bass, who designed the restoration of the basilica after the collapse of the dome in 1573, occurred because of failure of a capital in the gallery.
A description of the eighth century, defines the church covered with marble and gold mosaics and marbles. The space is now being solemn and very attractive due to the abundant use of stone material that highlights the different contrasts of chiaroscuro, of full and empty off by esedre. The Netherlands energizes the decorations linking the Ionic pilasters and cornice of the gallery chesa, adding a grating decorating the capitals of the piers. The intervention of the Netherlands in the dome is recognized primarily for the modification of the central square, facilitating the transition to the lantern. Up the square shrinks giving balance to the lower amplitude of the arc of curvature than esedre. The structure of the dome rests on the pillars of part ground floor and part of the plumes. The pylons were swollen again in 500.
At the chapel of St. Hippolytus, one of the piers of the church is made of the detail of a column upside down, a symbol of Christianity over paganism winner.

CHAPEL Sant'Aquilina
The chapel is recognized in the past as the church, covered in marble red - yellow mosaic. Probably arose as a mausoleum for a great figure of the imperial court in Milan. Always dedicated to St. Genesius, the shrine was later dedicated to Sant'Aquilino in the fifteenth century. Legend has it that a group of porters found his body pierced through the throat in 1015, right near the basilica.
The atrium forceps before the chapel date from the fifth century AC. is covered by a Roman barrel vault. A dense mosaic decoration in two registers graced all four walls of the atrium. Today there are a few fragments that still show the high quality of work done. The remains of mosaics were found only around 1930. Figures Human-size could be the lower end of the patriarchs of the tribes of Israel in the space above the Apostles were probably among the marble columns and golden backgrounds. The blue background instead of being allowed the city of New Jerusalem. The other sides depictions of saints and the crucifixion on the south wall still Gothic. The main entrance to the shrine itself is made from slabs of Carrara marble in the first century AD C. is decorated with plant motifs, acanthus leaves, palm leaves, but also spirals, cornucopias, fruit baskets, cherubs, animals, gods, chariots, marine animals. Some scholars identify these decorations as the planetary deities moving in the sky. We do not know the exact provenance of marble: it could be also a public building of Rome itself.
The chapel has an octagonal shape with alternating semicircular and rectangular niches. Was originally to be completely painted with marble, frescoes and mosaics, especially in the '500 replaced. Once the dome with an umbrella in it and clay pipes have been identified for the ribs. It has a diameter of about 13m.
Curiosa exedra right the presence of a sarcophagus traditionally entitled to Galla Placidia. In reality it could be an altar of the third century, used as grave of Bishops.
apses southeast / south-west remain the remains of mosaics.
To the west, well kept, the scene of Christ among the Apostles teacher. You will recognize the patella in the basket at the foot of the Savior as the books of the Old and New Testament. The one held in the hands of Jesus and the Apocalypse. The lakes and the landscape are the golden paradise in which they expect the righteous. Christ is beardless although adult, to emphasize the gradual transition from paganism to Christianity.
East recognizes instead a scene with a quadriga, seen as the ascension of Elijah. However, the absence of key characters, the landscape is recognized Arcadia, illuminated by the rising sun. It is thus the cult of Sol Invictus, which is recognized as a result of which is in Christ the King and the Sun of Justice. According to tradition, moreover, that the sun rises on December 25 by entering through the window above the mosaic, the reality of this religious symbolism.

's urn Sant'Aquilina
The idea of \u200b\u200bmoving the remains of the saint was in this chapel of St. Charles Borromeo. Around 1658, the brotherhood of Sant'Aquilino decided to carry the relics in a shrine of rock crystal and silver. The project was entrusted to Garavaglia, who created a shrine quite similar that your Cerano accomplished at the Duomo in Milan to San Carlo. In 700 the altar was adorned with a frontal of Scajola.
The vault was hand painted in 1570 by Joseph Bossi Gabriele Galber with the Evangelists and the Fathers of the Church.

to you instead find the entrance to see the famous foundation. One clue is the Shrine of Sant'Aquilino.
I hope that your visit will not be disturbed by the groups that you might herald the discovery. Find out and see them all at the moment is something unique!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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Monday, December 6, 2010

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"Flashes of genius on TV" - Second Series

What unites Johann Gutenberg, Ferdinand Magellan, Louis Pasteur, Louis and Auguste Lumiere, Marie Curie, Thomas A. Edison, Guglielmo Marconi, Enrico Fermi, Giulio Natta, and Konrad Lorenz? Having invented or discovered something unique, physics, medicine, chemistry, geography, and have changed the course of history and knowledge. All thanks to a "flash of genius, more or less abrupt. And it is to tell the ten people - the younger and more - in the new series of "flashes of genius on TV," the program by Rai Educational - designed by Renzo Salvi Luca Novelli and directed by Henry Rimoldi - broadcast every Saturday at 8:30 on Raitre, from June 28, 2010. Ten Tips for a long journey in the history of science, within the great ship of the virtual studio television production center of Milan Rai: Luca Novelli here, in astronaut suit and aided by three young "Tempone" meets the ten players of science come to life through animated drawings of the characters of the same Novelli and tell themselves personally, their lives, their own discoveries. And you talk so - starting with Ferdinand Magellan, the protagonist of the first episode - Speed \u200b\u200bof the world, and inventions like the first electric car, mobile phones, of atoms and molecules, atomic plants, microbes and imprinting. But in cinema, telecommunications, new materials and even design. A tale enriched by movies and the "magic" of the virtual technology capable of carrying the conductor - and viewers - in the life of the ten stars of "flashes of genius on TV" between objects, landscapes, animals, but also in the infinitely great and 'infinitely small.

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"Flashes of genius on TV" - First Series

Curated by project leader of Rai Educational, Renzo Salvi, the "Flashes of Smart Guy TV "originated from television in 10 of the 12 books that form the series" Flashes of genius, "written and illustrated by Luca Novelli . Each book is about a character who had in his life a" flash of genius "that changed the development of science and / or history.
Einstein, Darwin, Volta, Galileo, Mendel, Lavoisier, Leonardo, Archimedes, Hippocrates and Newton are the ten characters presented in an autobiographical in these books, which place emphasis on curiosity, are written with humor, but show a balanced historical and scientific rigor. These ten volumes have been taken and turned into television.
brainstorm on TV but not only uses the language contained in the books, the plan, the autobiographical narrative, style, fun, but also other visual media such as documentaries, animation, the presence of a conductor, the management of children "narrators" and the extraordinary possibilities offered by the virtual studio.
Each episode takes the form of a journey through space and time with the ship of the virtual studio (a little 'Star Trek's Enterprise, a little' Verne's Nautilus), which has two large windows and a dome through which to see galaxies and interstellar space, the images provided by Italian Space Agency, working in the program. Leading the transmission (el'astronave) Luca Novelli is in astronaut suit, which charts the course of the trip along with some children who accompany their curiosity, questions and considerations "scientific." Episode after episode "look" the ten great characters who tell themselves, their childhood, their lives and their "flashes of genius" who changed the world.