Thursday, September 24, 2009

Boschdishwasher Servicemanual

The secret gardens of Palmyra in Syria

Of course when you arrive Palmyra, the impact with its archaeological wonders, with its columns, with its temples that rise for thousands of years planted in the middle of the Syrian desert, with the same pride of their queen Zenobia, was satisfied enough to leave the green dark and stopped just beyond the palm trees, only as an exotic backdrop of so much beauty. But the oasis of Palmyra is an experience in itself. is already seeing the temples from behind the tall palm trees umbrellas worth the stretch in a walk through the walls of stone and mud that hide the secret gardens of the oasis. Kahtani, greets me as I look at the branches laden with unripe pomegranates that fold out from the edges of walls and invites us into his garden. did not know there were so many different gardens in the oasis and in fact are out of sight of passers, so you need an invitation. We settle in the shade of a large shed and trunks of palm branches and dried. Kahtani lighting a fire for tea with cinnamon, then sits down with us and brings us a delicious syrup, olives and dates. He explains that the ground water is delivered at every turn in the garden through a system of canals that run along the boundary walls and then shows us his plants. Palms, first of all, many at the top, there to collect the sun harder and give dates and shadow. Then, below, the olive trees on a large land clearly distinguishable from the sand, and festive pomegranate fleeing from the fence. At the bottom, take the cotton plant as it grew. The tea is ready. The glass cups are placed on a palm trunk that serves as a table. Even the dates are very sweet. Kahtani sort of takes out a notebook in which notes in Arabic pronunciation of some words in the languages \u200b\u200bof those who come to visit him in order to store the sound. They are generally German and English ones who venture along the paths of the oasis. We need more tea and opened a book on the French in Syria where there is a picture of her in the chapter dedicated to Palmira: Palmyre. The Bedouin kahtani et la Palmeraie . When we go out of his garden, we carry a small pack with dates of that piece of oasis and, in the eyes, gestures kahtani elegant, lithe in his clear coat, with its red keffiyeh behind the branches of olive trees.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Chuck Song Pa Papapapapa Paaaa Episode

Majolica Ceart: the uniqueness of imperfection

Salvatore Messina a few years ago he decided to open her own pottery workshop (Ceart) on a side street a bit 'secluded medieval village of Erice. First there is the love for the subject, for the land worked by hand, for color pigments that open pathways to unexpected chromatic after cooking. Often the clay is used in the first impure prehistoric pottery that Salvatore has found through his studies of marine archeology. The observation of the oldest pottery has confirmed his love for the imperfect. Has taken the ancient technique of working the clay without the potter's wheel, resulting in less precise form, but most popular for their restless curves. This has been arrived passing through the study of design. The contact with the object in perfect form and its potential serial, led him to contrast, to highlight the uniqueness of its pottery that is illegal, inaccurate and unrepeatable. In his work always leaves a wide margin of experiments in which, despite the knowledge technology, there is the chance of valuable space, the random, unexpected. The unpredictable effect can shine glazes nuances of luminescence and the more valuable because unexpected, while the small failures consolidate the experience in dealing with the matter. In the blue, green, white, yellow in the suggestions of his passes and Erice Sicily in particular. Large domes, fish-bellied water bowls, candlesticks ... forms are exaggerated, overflowing with commas clay, overflowing with decorations and glaze. E 'immediate recall to the Baroque, but the intention was rather to recover the deformation of the Romanesque fantastic and monstrous figures guarding the cathedral. And so the fish with green enamel, swollen and large, they become fearful medieval dragons ... Small fonts evoke the intimate atmosphere of the churches of Erice, the baptismal fonts of marble, but to the Savior, as well as ancient forms of tradition, are references to his faith and have a high symbolic value for him. So even the icons painted in his studio, which include the greek-orthodox tradition of his mother's family, of Croatian origin. And then the large tiled domes and bell towers spied on every day against the blue of the sky or among the mists of Erice fast and beautiful necklaces Ceramic recalling the millennial era Phoenician jewelry found in the nearby island of Mozia ... Each of these works of art lives of many scales, spirals, twists, scales, including chromatic and strong at the same time slide left undefined at times reveal the nakedness of hard clay, the primal matter, pigments and the land that are processed otherwise by the wisdom of the hands, the love for experimentation and dall'irripetibilità appropriate.
Erice, Sicily, Sicily, travel, art ceramics, earthenware, Mozia, Trapani, handmade, design, Mediterranean, savoir-faire, crafts, shopping, crafts, tipical pottery, raku, holy water, Baroque, apartment Jasmine

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hydraulic Storage Bed

The green heart of Aleppo (the soap of Aleppo)

Once in Aleppo, one of the pleasures of the rest in this ancient city is to go looking in his legendary souks of the famous soap laurel. The origin of the production of soap of Aleppo is lost in the mists of time really, but it is around the ninth century. that he knows, by the momentum of Arab trade, a first major deployment in the Mediterranean. She landed in southern France and in Marseille if they make a version that does, however, to use only olive oil.
The ritual of the working of Aleppo soap is perpetuated to this day unchanged for centuries. It
obtained from only four natural ingredients: the oil coming from the extensive and lush olive groves Syrians, water, soda and oil laurel berries harvested in the region around Aleppo. No additives, no artificial fragrance or color. Aleppo Soap is a product 100% biodegradable, completely natural. The process begins in November after the olive harvest and continues until February. During the same period also collect the berries of bay which gives a precious and fragrant oil. In large cauldrons olive oil is subjected to a slow cooking for days, stirred with water and soda. Obtained the green paste of soap is added then the laurel oil in quantities ranging from 5% to 50% is the scent that determines the quality . The soap is poured and leveled at this point in large areas on the ground, where they are cut by hand into small loaves shaped like a cube. (Delicious small decorative soaps shaped like a drop or star are effectively used as a moth). The workers sit on the soap at this point to the same stamp, one by one, by hand, with the mark of the factory to indicate the quality and provenance, then, taking them from land they overlap each other to form small vertical towers which remain to dry for at least 7-9 months. The aging can be prolonged for some years (not more than five) in this case giving rise to a soap even more valuable. E 'at this stage that the green color of this soap, as a result of oxidation in air, takes out a yellow-brown tone.
Soap of Aleppo, in the stalls of the souk is often exposed to open, cut in half, so as not to appreciate in the heart of fragrant green olive laurel that he handed down unchanged for centuries the fame and virtues .
( The Journal of Istanbul , a. XVII, No. 7, July 2009)
Syria, Damascus, Aleppo, Syrian, soap, natural, olive oil, olive oil, steam bath, wellness, healthy, syria, travel, souks, bazaars, souks, laurel, Marseille, savoir faire, lifestyle, art de vivre, Cote Sud

Friday, September 18, 2009

Does Butalbital/asa&caff Capsule Thin The Blood

The hammam women

When you are in is the sound of a few strokes more lukewarm moisture. The water poured from flat copper bowls on the bodies and on the marble, the water that collects in the basins. But it is above the falling drops with distance from the dome of the ceiling where they are concentrated vapors. Everything is so slow that you have the time to follow them as they fall off, stretch out and fall off leaving a small echo on the marble and the softness of the bodies. In these caskets of placenta fluffy women become deeply spiritual, away from the sight of men on and off from belligerence seductive. We in the West we are inundated with images that give us in any moment the idea of \u200b\u200ba perfect female body, young, healthy, clear, recognizable indefinitely without change. The bath contains precious but we have forgotten. When heat and water have now made the veins and the flesh soft, approaching women hammam spending their lives there to wash other women, her hair dripping, with lined faces and the rough ways of their work . Their half-naked bodies are strong, solid and big breasts and tired. Yet rub on the backs big clouds of white soap. But the soap is soothing, not their hands. Their movements are away from the idea of \u200b\u200bsoftness with which Eastern you lie for the first time on the hot marble hammam. It takes strong hands and bend down to wash and scrub and the hot vapors rise up my breath. We understand their familiarity with the naked bodies on how you get around to the different environments and working with their drawers chipped, useless. Sometimes a break in between shifts meet to land in a small adjoining room, laughing with each other and playing with real laughter. In a women's hammam what unfolds is a woman's body, every woman who has come here to make a simple gesture, humble to his body, wash it. Besides the marble basins where water collects, which bloom and there are breasts others that stretch faded, but in the end it seems that every woman is recognized in the other, in what has been or will be and what every look at the bottom is languid and distracted. There the image of the female body coincides with the natural things of life, with what is happening without major remedies to stop its progress. It might surprise some to see how well you pass the soap in the folds of her belly felt, but at that gesture is evident as his presence as a woman, as it is, as each may be behind closed doors, clothes and the matters that lead to the streets. And so it is for young bodies. Even good ones are not arrogant. There would be too many warnings in the hammam.
And for a look all the female breasts, with their different forms, in their cheeky, their frequent strabismus, are basically nothing more than breasts. Without the men and made large, soft vapor, those are just breasts. It happens sometimes that a mother brings with her child. Women are there to wash. Naturally our thoughts turn to what remains of these visions in a little of four years in his memories as an adult. Maybe bring a man in her life the memory of a woman arched her back under a long gray hair days may well be helpful, even to love.
premionapoli, turkey, hammam, turkey, istanbul travel, scrub, relaxation, spa, wellness, aromatherapy, turkish bath, turkish bath, Joanna Angel, massage, massage oil, natural essences, body, naked, soap, soap

( The Gazette Istanbul, Year XVII, No. 12, December 2009)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Existing Windows 2000 License Issued To

Baglio of magpies, an example of artistic and ethical recovery in Sicily on the edge of a nature reserve.

The recovery of the remains of this ancient country house in Sicily against pirates in the Gulf of Hood, near Trapani, is designed by the owners, Paola Lo Sciuto, visual artist and Aldo Grompone, theatrical producer, as a work to which commitment to engage with the story, the stones, the work of the hands, personal memories, the surrounding resurface let the secret life of this place. In between the rooms and rooms of the Baglio of magpies, this has always been the name of the house, start small irregular spaces, hidden, unexpected, remained with their peasant soul of a life truly spent time between these walls. to this is mixed the old memories of Paul when a child was lost in the crevices of the ancient monastery of Erice where he lived his aunt, Sister Stella. The secret hiding places of children, the signs of other passages, they release their mystery among the stones of this house that breathes the breath of the sea, a locust and the sharp profile of the mountain. Here everything has been done by human hands, every brick, every tile, every piece of crushed stone. That was when we lived animals and farmers and they used what was there. Paola has laid eyes beyond the door, the changing hues of the earth around. Each room has walls of kindergartens, a warm color that induces sleep. Nothing but the earth plaster mixed collection out there. Outside the walls of earthenware rose light up at sunset and of course all the pieces were crushed by hand with patience. course, the delicate beauty Paola does not suspect it would do the hard work of the arms and the stubborn presence on the site at dawn, before the arrival of local masters. From a carved wooden beam from a caravan of Afghanistan has created a cast which has shaped the wonderful brick that recall the decorative lace of the Mother Church of Erice. He has covered the walls of a charming, small bath which is dedicated personally also in the drafting of tadelakt, the ancient traditional technique Moroccan lime. A treasure chest of pleasure from iridescent purple and turquoise set in the center of the house. The bedrooms are empty elegance of a monk. The simplicity of the dominant white background dates from the land of shades on the walls.
And then the wood, but one in which time has found its home. Department of iron and glass lamps hang from the ceiling, many light candles. On the walls there are no naked pictures, or headboards for beds. In truth, in love for the recovery (which here is both an ethical duty and exercise aesthetic), Paola has scrubbed the side of an old wagon found in a pen with rope and drapes has made a single white headboard humble and discreet. They also recovered pieces of the ancient tiles of the nineteenth century Sicilian cuisine, some from a family home, others bought at the flea market in Palermo. Old stone sinks are hand Greece and Turkey. Were reused even abandoned marble carved shelves that once held up the balconies of the old houses have been made in Sicily and solid sides for a large fireplace. The light comes from the large doors that open onto the garden and beyond the sea. The setting is that of the Natural Reserve of Mount Hood. The garden is like an extension of that landscape, so small when you take a spontaneous wild corner amid the flowers, Paola leaves grow where they are born. For her it is vital "to bring back the wild in the street and it is essential to know him, respect him, transmit the value. Imagine that your house can become almost a home base for the reserve, botanical point of departure for walks or hiking, not only for tourists, but especially for the locals, for the children. This house, on the other hand, immediately became a place for sharing, as charming residence to stay from April to November, but also as a center of cultural and residential seminars. Send a chance to live and share a place in history and mystery of his past tracks, a vibrant nature slowly reclaims it, experience and strong work of human hands, grateful to the coast, rocks , the wild ... this is Baglio of the magpies, the realized dream of Paola, his dream still full of the future. Grompone aldo, Infinite Thanks, sicily, holidays, visual artist, nature reserve, Mount Hood, Erice, Sicily, maison de charme, art de vivre, lifestyle, travel, ecological architecture, beam, volunteers, carob, holidays, drills