Friday, September 4, 2009

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Baglio of magpies, an example of artistic and ethical recovery in Sicily on the edge of a nature reserve.

The recovery of the remains of this ancient country house in Sicily against pirates in the Gulf of Hood, near Trapani, is designed by the owners, Paola Lo Sciuto, visual artist and Aldo Grompone, theatrical producer, as a work to which commitment to engage with the story, the stones, the work of the hands, personal memories, the surrounding resurface let the secret life of this place. In between the rooms and rooms of the Baglio of magpies, this has always been the name of the house, start small irregular spaces, hidden, unexpected, remained with their peasant soul of a life truly spent time between these walls. to this is mixed the old memories of Paul when a child was lost in the crevices of the ancient monastery of Erice where he lived his aunt, Sister Stella. The secret hiding places of children, the signs of other passages, they release their mystery among the stones of this house that breathes the breath of the sea, a locust and the sharp profile of the mountain. Here everything has been done by human hands, every brick, every tile, every piece of crushed stone. That was when we lived animals and farmers and they used what was there. Paola has laid eyes beyond the door, the changing hues of the earth around. Each room has walls of kindergartens, a warm color that induces sleep. Nothing but the earth plaster mixed collection out there. Outside the walls of earthenware rose light up at sunset and of course all the pieces were crushed by hand with patience. course, the delicate beauty Paola does not suspect it would do the hard work of the arms and the stubborn presence on the site at dawn, before the arrival of local masters. From a carved wooden beam from a caravan of Afghanistan has created a cast which has shaped the wonderful brick that recall the decorative lace of the Mother Church of Erice. He has covered the walls of a charming, small bath which is dedicated personally also in the drafting of tadelakt, the ancient traditional technique Moroccan lime. A treasure chest of pleasure from iridescent purple and turquoise set in the center of the house. The bedrooms are empty elegance of a monk. The simplicity of the dominant white background dates from the land of shades on the walls.
And then the wood, but one in which time has found its home. Department of iron and glass lamps hang from the ceiling, many light candles. On the walls there are no naked pictures, or headboards for beds. In truth, in love for the recovery (which here is both an ethical duty and exercise aesthetic), Paola has scrubbed the side of an old wagon found in a pen with rope and drapes has made a single white headboard humble and discreet. They also recovered pieces of the ancient tiles of the nineteenth century Sicilian cuisine, some from a family home, others bought at the flea market in Palermo. Old stone sinks are hand Greece and Turkey. Were reused even abandoned marble carved shelves that once held up the balconies of the old houses have been made in Sicily and solid sides for a large fireplace. The light comes from the large doors that open onto the garden and beyond the sea. The setting is that of the Natural Reserve of Mount Hood. The garden is like an extension of that landscape, so small when you take a spontaneous wild corner amid the flowers, Paola leaves grow where they are born. For her it is vital "to bring back the wild in the street and it is essential to know him, respect him, transmit the value. Imagine that your house can become almost a home base for the reserve, botanical point of departure for walks or hiking, not only for tourists, but especially for the locals, for the children. This house, on the other hand, immediately became a place for sharing, as charming residence to stay from April to November, but also as a center of cultural and residential seminars. Send a chance to live and share a place in history and mystery of his past tracks, a vibrant nature slowly reclaims it, experience and strong work of human hands, grateful to the coast, rocks , the wild ... this is Baglio of the magpies, the realized dream of Paola, his dream still full of the future. Grompone aldo, Infinite Thanks, sicily, holidays, visual artist, nature reserve, Mount Hood, Erice, Sicily, maison de charme, art de vivre, lifestyle, travel, ecological architecture, beam, volunteers, carob, holidays, drills


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