Sunday, January 3, 2010

Dirt Bike Decorated Birthday Cake Ideas

the foundation of Rome

Natale di Roma , conosciuto anche con il nome di Romaia.
La fondazione della città di Roma, avvenne il 21 aprile. Secondo la leggenda, narrata anche da Varrone, Romolo In fact, he founded the city of Rome 21 April 753 BC. The fixation on April 21, quoted by Varro, is due to the astrological calculations of his friend Lucio Taruzio.

derived from this date onwards the Roman history, called it the Latin phrase Ab Urbe seasoned or "the foundation of the City" .
The first task that we put all of us will be to ensure that this date is commemorated each year, with diligence and accuracy.

21 April 753 BC
Year present for us Romans MMDCCLXII (2762) Ab Urbe dressed!


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