Monday, January 4, 2010

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worship the god Mithra - Sol Invitctus - Barbarie of Christianity.


The origins and even the meaning of the Mithraic cult in the Roman Empire are controversial. And here are several hypotheses:

1) For some it is the transposition of the Persian cult of Mithras, a god of the triad of Ahura Mazda, Anahita and Mitra. The inscription found at Susa of Artaxerxes II Mnemone (404-358 BC) shows that not all of the Achaemenid kings followed the official religion of Zoroastrianism as Dario:
"Artaxerxes the Great King says, for the favor of Ahura Mazda, Anahita, and Mitra, I built this building. May Ahuramazda, Anahita, and Mithra protect me from all evil, and what can I built not to fall into disrepair or be damaged. "

Ahura Mazda is generally considered the creator God, Anahita, the former Great Mother, the Goddess of Nature which makes plants grow and nourishes the creatures, Mitra is the God who destroys allowing the new cycle. Perhaps this made him a god of warriors.
(But Zoroaster was a monotheist, and he was the one God Ahura Mazda Darius the Great was too rigid monotheism in the Journal of his kingdom out of Ahura Mazda is no God mentioned in the inscriptions of the sixth century BC were found.)

2) For others it derives from the discovery of "Precession of the equinoxes" by Hipparchus of Nicea, where Mitra is the power that causes the celestial phenomenon.

3) For other approaches the Sun God Mithras and defeats him. The Sun then makes a covenant with God giving him the corona radiata. In another company, Mitra capture the Bull and leads him in a cave. But the Taurus and fled the Sun, mindful of the covenant, God sent a crow to the messenger with the advice to kill him. With the help of a dog reaches the Toro Mitra, seizes him by the nostrils and plant a knife in the side. From the body of the bull born all plants are beneficial to man, the grain comes from the bone and blood lives. But Ahriman the Evil God, send a snake and a scorpion to fight this profusion of life. Scorpion tries to injure the testicles of the bull and the snake drinks the blood, but in vain. At the end of Taurus ascend to the Moon thus giving rise to all animal species. So, Mithras and the Sun sealed the victory with a meal that will remain in worship under the name of agape.

4) An interpretation of the myth of astronomical kind, proposed by David Ulansey, noted that all of the characters that appear in the legend correspond to constellations: Mithra is associated with Perseus, whose constellation is above that of Toro.

5) A bronze of Mithras, emerging from an egg-shaped zodiac ring, found in a mitreo along Hadrian's Wall, and an inscription in Rome, suggest that Mitra may have been seen as the Orphic creator-god Phanes that emerged from the egg at the beginning of cosmic time, giving life to the universe. This view is reinforced by a bas-relief at the Estense Museum in Modena, which shows Phanes coming out from an egg, surrounded by the twelve signs of the zodiac.

6) Mitra is also sometimes described as a man born, or reborn, from a stone: Genitrix Petra, or Petra Virginis, around which is coiled the serpent Ouroboros. Hence the tradition that Mithras was born of a virgin.

7) The writer described the cave in the Porphyry tauroctony represent an image of the cosmos, and then the rock is the cosmos seen from the outside.

8) According to some historians, the cult of Mithras could symbolize the strength of the sun at the exit of the vernal equinox from the constellation of Taurus toward the constellation of Aries, which occurred in the nineteenth century BC The bull's death creates life and fruitfulness of the universe , which, being also the sign of Venus, shows how the star with his energy, regenerates nature.
In fact, in many representations of tauroctony (killing with the bull), the scene also includes the symbols of the Sun, the Moon, the seven planets, the constellations of the zodiac, the winds and the seasons.

9) is frequently associated with iconography Mitra Varuna with which it embodies the two aspects of the sky, day and night, and the cosmic order and human Varuna punishes the wicked and offenders, while Mitra is the patron of justice and the terms of livestock (which provides good pasture) and the right people. In addition to solar and celestial aspects of his original personality also became associated with justice and soteriological connotations cosmogony, that is, seeking the salvation of man.

The attempt to identify the Roman Mithras with the Persian is complicated by the fact that there are no texts or legends that refer to Persian Mithras slaying a bull, or in connection with other animals. But there is a story of Ahriman, the God of evil in popular developments of Zoroastrianism, which kills a bull.

To understand the true meaning of worship must first note that it is a mysterious cult, although not part of the Sacred Mysteries, from which, however, has perhaps drawn. However, the Mediterranean worship is totally different from the Persian, who lack the connotations of Mitra proncipali Italy, not killing the bull, I do not have the attrubuti of various animals, not to be considered as the Sun

A HISTORY possible link between Persia and Rome, may have been the kingdoms of Parthia and Pontus in Asia Minor, many of which had the name of Mithras Mithridates = gift, beginning with Mithridates I (d. 138 BC) and weapons of pirates Cilicia related to Mithridates VI of Pontus. It was also at Pergamum in the second century BC, that Greek sculptors started the production of bas-relief depictions of Nike tauroctony. Although the cult of Mithras little in the greek world, and confused with Apollo - Helios, the sculptures could be part of the path that led to the Persian Mithras in Rome.

Around the first century, the greek historian Plutarch wrote that the pirates of Cilicia Mithraic rites practiced around 67 BC, when Pompey were deported from Greece. Probably the first contacts between the Roman army and the Cilician pirates, the Persian cult of Mithra, confused with Ahriman, the God who killed a bull, went to the West, where it is attested only by the next century.
swept Mithraism in Rome with the return of the legions from the East in the first century BC As God Weapons and sample heroes, Mitra attracted the Roman soldiers, which led his cult in Iberia, Britain, and Dacia.

The testimonies of the Roman cult of Mithras begin by Roman soldiers of the garrison of Carnuntum on the Danube in the Roman province of Upper Pannonia. These soldiers fought against the Parthians and revolts in Jerusalem from 60 to 70 dc returned home they brought the cult of Mithras, probably in 71 or 72. As they mention is that Statius Plutarch. But he came to Rome in 66 AD the Armenian king Tiridates, accompanied by a large group of magicians and priests, with the worship of Mithras and Nero was initiated into the Mithraic mysteries.

Around the second century. dc Mithraism spread in the Roman army, even among traders and slaves. Germanic borders have many archaeological sites, many objects of worship have emerged in archaeological digs from Romania to Hadrian's Wall. In northern England have been identified in three mitrei Housesteads, and Carrawburgh Rudchester. In London, showed a Mithraic temple in a fortified Roman settlement. Other mitrei were found along the Danube and the Rhine, in the province of Dacia, as well as in Numidia in North Africa.
Roman emperors in the third century. encouraged Mithraism, which offered support for the army, and their authority in Rome. From the time of Commodus, who took part in the mysteries mitriaci followers of worship were in all classes of society.
The importance of worship in the city of Rome, and the rest of Italy is evidenced by the abundance of monumental remains. In Rome alone, more than 75 statues, 100 Mithraic inscriptions, and the remains of temples and altars in all parts of the city and suburbs.

In the third century, the cult of Mithras and Helios began to melt in the cult of Sol Invictus, in 274 the Emperor Aurelian (whose mother was a priestess of the Sun) became the official religion by building a new temple and dedicating a new body priests (pontifices solis invicti): Emperor attributed his victories to God in the East.

Shortly after the Roman Empire lost Dacia and the invasions of the peoples of the North destroyed many temples along the border of the Empire, the main stronghold of the cult. The spread of Christianity within the Empire, supported by the favor of Constantine, contributed to the fall, although it absorbed some of the features and rituals.
The Emperor Julian, initiated into the mysteries motriaci, tried to restore the worship and to limit the advance of Christianity, and the usurpation of Eugenius did the same, but the decree drawn up by Theodosius in 391, which prohibited any non-Christian cult , marked the end of Mithraism. Mitriaco late survivals of the cult can be found until the fifth century in some places in the Alps and in the eastern regions. The Christian religion Mithraism as the competitor against the most dangerous and Rome over mitrei looted and destroyed, he built churches and basilicas.


According to legend, Mithras was born from a stone, from which would come armed with a dagger in one hand and a torch in the other and with a Phrygian cap on his head. Another legend says that God decides to come into the world incarnate in the womb of a virgin, and sees the light in a cave. For another myth was born from a stone with a torch and a knife in his hands and with a flick of the arrow makes water flow from a rock. The festivities for his birth occurred December 25. The Church has accepted only in the fourth century, in 335 AD, this date as the birth of Christ, to overlap with that of Mithras.

His first action is to subdue the Sun, and then deal with him and receive the gift of a luminous halo. Then catch a bull, taking it in his cave and past a number of difficulties, caused by a snake and a scorpion sent by the evil god Ahriman, the body of the bull, once slaughtered, are issued all the plants healthy, particularly the screw from his blood and his marrow the corn, instead born from his seed would all the animals useful to man. At the end of its work, with the help of the sun, Mithra was risen to heaven at 33, where it would continue to protect human beings.


In any Roman temple dedicated to Mithras in the act of God there is slaughter the sacred bull. E 'depicted as a young man with a Phrygian cap, a short tunic which expands on the brink, trousers and cloak flying behind him. Mitra grab the bull by force, bringing back his head and stabs him in the neck with his short sword.
The depiction of Mithras is often shown in a diagonal angle, her face turned. A snake and a dog accompanying the scene, sometimes depicted on the pedestal of the statue, a scorpion while trying to injure the testicles of the bull.

In addition to depicting Mithra, the Bull, there are the sun, moon, snake, scorpion, dog and crow. Often
Mitra is with two characters, or dadofori torchbearers: their names were Cautes and Cautopates. The first carries the torch up, the other down. Those who reached the highest levels, to Pater (which is the same name by which it is addressed to a Christian priest), was the one who officiated in the rites, the representative of divinity on earth, with hat and red dress (like the Cardinals ) and had a shepherd's crook with a curved tip (the ministry). Soon, early Christians would begin to consider Mithraism a "satanic distortion of the holiest rites of their religion," persecuting harshly.

In other iconography is represented nascent from a rock, raised on the banks of a river under the shade of a sacred tree, according to myth.


The cult of Mithras came to the attention of the Roman world, especially for his views misteriosofiche, which revolved around the idea of \u200b\u200ba refinement of the soul through the seven planetary spheres. The cult
excluded women and was practiced mostly by the military and, in part, by politicians and administrators.
Being a mystery religion of initiation, like the Eleusinian mysteries, Mithraism did not give rise to the spread of a body of revealed scriptures and even the rituals were kept secret and reserved for initiates.
Agape feast was the ritual that is usually kept in a room mitreo specification. Was generally based on wine, water and bread, according to a scheme very similar to that of the early Christian Eucharist. Contrary to what Christian worship was a cult mitriaco started, so the doctrinal content of Mithraism, then, is almost exclusively the product of modern interpretations.

THE initiatory path

Despite Mithras was a solar deity, the mitrei, temples where his rites were officiated, were underground. One can understand why entering the public Mitreo of Ostia, the greatest. You enter in full shadow in a tunnel leading into a front room where there is a rectangular tank, perhaps where the initiate received from the blood of the slaughtered bull. The sacrifice on the floor above is evidenced by mitreo Sutri where there are holes in the rock created specifically between the two plans. The route continues in a long dark cunicilo always a ray of light almost blinding affects the eyes accustomed to darkness. In the next room is a statue of Mithra, beautiful and young, who fall within the bull raised his head with one hand while raising a sword to cut his throat. Light rain from a window above Mitra and time has traces of the planets. On the base are carved a snake and a scorpion.

mitreo In Ostia the 7 balls are:
In the mosaic floor of the seven gates described Celsus, in the first entry a dagger.
In the frame are the zodiac signs, starting from top left with Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo. Proceeding from right to top: Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
On the walls are depicted the planetary gods. Left: the behind Jupiter, Mercury in the middle, in front of the Moon, Mars right in the middle of Venus, Saturn behind. On
retaining walls are shown Cautes and Cautopates.

I Mitrea

The center of worship and a meeting of the followers was mitreo, an adapted natural cave or cavity, or a building imitating a cavern. The mitrei were dark places and without windows, even when they were placed in underground places. Whenever possible, the mitreo was built on or below an existing building. The site of a mitreo can also be identified by its separate entrance or vestibule, its cave-shaped rectangle, or call spelaeum spelunca, with two benches along the side walls for the ritual feast, and his sanctuary at the end, often in a niche, before which there was the altar. Usually on the ceiling was painted a starry sky with the reproduction of the zodiac and the planets.

I mitrei were modest in size, and the worship service, which ended in a common banquet was officiated by a small community, usually formed by a few dozen persone.Monumenti mitriaci are Tivoli, Anzio, Naples, Milan. There are two legends about his birth, we share a common view that, defeat the evil thus saving mankind. The first wants to be born a stone from which would come armed with a dagger and a torch in hand, the second speaks of a virgin who gave birth to the deity in a cave. Mithra is depicted in the act of sacrificing a bull, whose death creates life and fruitfulness of the universe. Also symbolizes the strength of the sun when it enters the astrological sign of Taurus, which, being also the sign of Venus, shows how the star with his energy, regenerate nature. Other symbolic elements always accompany him, in many depictions are: the dog, the snake, the scorpion, the crow and the ears of corn.
the deity is accompanied by two people or those dadofori torchbearers: the one must be raised to the solar cycle (dawn-dusk) light and warmth of life, the other down, the icy cold of death; Mitra dadofori and unite in a single deity: the triple Mitra. The tank
: In Mithraism water plays a major role in purifying and for this near the sanctuary there was often a source of natural or artificial.

It was a natural cave or cavity adapted, preferably already in use from previous local religious cults, or an artificial building imitating a cavern. Even when they were placed in underground places, the places mitrei were dark and without windows. Whenever possible, the mitreo was built on or below an existing building. The site of a mitreo can also be identified by its separate entrance or vestibule, its cave-shaped rectangle, or call spelaeum spelunca, with two benches along the side walls for the ritual feast, also known as agape and his shrine at 'ends, often placed in a niche, which was placed before the altar. On the ceiling was painted a starry sky in general with the reproduction of the zodiac and the planets. On both sides of Mitra, beginning of the two counters, two boxes, one, or perhaps both, with a triangular pyramid above.

In other temples, the description is this:
- You get to a room, the 'aedes, "where there was the altar and the statue of Mithras. In this place could be admitted even the uninitiated, to witness the sacrifice of the bull, while the other environment, "spelaeum" was reserved only for initiates. The latter was decorated with pumice, mosaics and eleven wells four largest in the shape of a truncated pyramid and seven children in the guise of a truncated cone. The vaulted ceiling had lowered, while the walls were painted red. Along the walls of the room there were two counters and bottom, to the west, was an altar adorned with the image of Mithras the bull sacrifices and those of dadofori.

I mitrei, so different from the great deity of the temple buildings dedicated to public worship, stood out for being small in scale, and the worship service, which ended in a common banquet was officiated by a small community, usually formed by a few dozen people. In some cases, a cell below the main hall, called the pit "sanguinis", which is connected to it through a system of pipes that were used in all probability to a sort of baptism, officiated by ablution in the blood of the sacrificed bull.

Mitreo of Rome: San Clemente

Mitreo Barberini (tauroctony with frescoes) of the Baths of Caracalla
Mitreo of Santa Prisca
Mitreo Circus Maximus
Mitreo Sutri (Viterbo)

Mitreo of Naples:

Mitreo in Neapolitan Crypt (Grotta di Pozzuoli in Posillipo) (scenario)
Mitreo in the den of a Pizzofalcone Mitra (assumption)
Mitreo Carminiello to the archaeological area of \u200b\u200bOstia Mannesi
Mitreo of the 7 balls
Mitreo Animal
Mitreo of the 7 doors of Happy
Mitreo delle Terme
Mitreo of the painted walls of the Imperial Palace
Mitreo of Planta Pedis
Mitreo Snake
Mitreo Lucretius Menander
Mitreo of the House of Diana
Other mitrei:
Mitreo Vulci
Mitreo Sutri
Mitreo Duino
Mitreo Marino (with frescoed tauroctony)
Mitreo of Santa Maria Capua Vetere (with frescoed tauroctony)

Mitreo Marino

The mitreo Marino looks like a long narrow tunnel that had previously been used as a cistern for water (near other archaeological remains have been found), in fact the walls, floor and ceiling are covered with a layer of lime mixed with pozzolana and small fragments of clay, which prevents water out.

Along the walls of the holes were charged, is able to get their oil lamps for illumination, is to build an internal division that separated the initiated according to the degree attained, with two benches along the walls where they lay faithful thereby consuming the sacred banquet. In front of the fresco is a pillar of lava stone with an inscription in Latin, Invicta Deo Cresces Actor Alfi Sebera DP (the invincible god poses as a gift Cresces, administrator Alfio Severus).

In Italy mitrei know only two other paintings, one in Palazzo Barberini in Rome and one in S. Maria Capua Vetere in Campania. At the center there Mitra, within a cave, dressed in a Phrygian cap, a tunic with long sleeves and pants, all red. S turning his back on a blue cloak with a red edge, which is studded with stars, among which seven planets, the God has his head turned toward the sun shining, painted in the upper left corner, watching him benevolent and beside a black crow ; the high side of the moon is depicted with his eyes lowered and surrounded by light reflected.
Mithra slaying the bull is represented, and simultaneously regenerates the Earth is from the tail of the sprout stalks of corn. On either side two other characters named dadòfori, torchbearers, under the sun to the left is Cautes with the torch up and turned on, to the moon right there Cautopates with the torch down and turned off at night.

Other scenes of the myth:

Fight between Jupiter and the Giants, that the victory against Chaos and the establishment of the universal order.
Saturn (or Ocean) lying
The birth of Mithras from a rock.
Mitra rides the white bull.
Mitra bull drags him down from the hind legs in the cave where the sacrifice will take place. Mithra the Sun begins
, kneeling before him, its mysteries. The two deities
shaking his right hand and become allies.
Mitra dumps water from a rock by pulling with a bow an arrow. Two representations
of Dadofori are placed near the entrance, in the reverse position to the previous ones Cautes right there with the torch and show that represents the rising sun, to the left is Cautopates with the torch off and lowered.

Mitreo Barberini

Beneath the splendid Palazzo Barberini. It was built in two phases: the first century AD and the second early third century. On the back of the hall, with seats side is dedicated to the fresco of the bull sacrifice and heroic actions of the deity. On the upper band, the symbols of the zodiac, in turn topped by a representation of Zurvan Akarana, Time Unlimited: winged monster with the head of lion, wrapped in the coils of a serpent.

Mitreo S. Clement

Under the church of S. Clemente, Via S. Giovanni in Laterano, not far from the Colosseum, built on the ruins of Roman buildings. Die floors under the church, dating from the third century AD is the mitreo. It is reached through a narrow passage carved into the rough stone, like a cave. The structure consists of a vestibule, where once stood the statue of the so-called Good Shepherd, in fact the God Mithras was depicted with the air or with the lamb on his shoulders, then removed I wonder why. From the vestibule to go to the room coiìn counters on both sides of masonry for the initiated, there were lying as the story goes, also because there would not be entered more than six. At the center, an altar carved on four sides, as well as some of the walls are carved. On the bottom Mitra child born from a rock, or standing on a onphalos, the famous stone scales, characteristic of the Great Mother then moved to Apollo.

Mitreo of the Baths of Caracalla

Embedded in the dense network of underground hot springs, was equipped with several rooms, including the main one was dedicated to the banquet. A room at an even lower, near the grave "sanguinis", is in communication through a series of tunnels with the main hall, ablutions and was probably dedicated to the "baptism" in the blood sacrificed animal. There are also rooms that were probably used as latrines, and smaller rooms that were used as changing rooms.


the Circus Maximus in maximum air of Hercules Street, just steps from the Forum and Holitorium Boario and on the opposite side of the road from the ruins of the Circus Maximus, is the deposit of the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma ; in its basement, are the remains of a mitreo dating from the third century AD. It is not open to the public in the den reigns utter darkness, and the narrow staircase which gives access is inconvenient. Inside, a jar buried in the middle of the room, with a bas-relief and some tauroctony Mithraic symbols: the crow and the dog, the scorpion and the snake. The niches that can be seen here and there are, unfortunately, Now empty.

Mitreo S. Prisca

The small church of S. Prisca, dating back at least to the fifth century AD, was built on an ancient aristocratic residence of the Aventine Hill. From it you can visit a small museum housing adapted Roman nymph, and through a narrow tunnel, you get to the underlying mitreo, unearthed in the '40s.
And 'one of the few to bring frescoes on its walls, representing the seven degrees of initiation, a procession in honor of God, and a representation of Saturn tauroctony lying.
In the vestibule were probably killed the sacrificial victims, while many of the decorations are contained in another room, there are also a baptistery with representations alluding to the signs of the zodiac and a lustral basin and a room probably dedicated to the initiations.


According to other versions of the myth, at all levels was associated with a door, a planetary sphere, one day of the week and a metal. The various versions sometimes differ in the association of planets. A very commonly associated with the first door and the silver moon, Mercury and the second iron, tin, and Venus in the third, fourth and gold, the Sun, Mars in the fifth and the league to sixth and Jupiter bronze and lead in the seventh and Saturn. As in all

the mysterious initiation ceremony was preceded by an oath not to reveal the ritual. could gradually began to enter the seven levels of the hierarchy through trial and ceremonies. Their character, however, was to be essentially symbolic and bloodless as the rest of the sacrifice of the bull, the central point of the Mithraic liturgy, impossible to perform in most mitrei due to the small size of the premises, but also very expensive and will give many people do not were certainly not rich could pay for them.
We do not know if the initiatives so there really was a sprinkling of blood and above all do not know what animal, if any, would be sacrificed.

One of the central tenets of Mithraism is the myth of the sacrifice of a sacred bull, created by the supreme deity Ahura Mazda, Mithra kills in the cave, as recommended by a crow, sent from Ahura Mazda. In this myth, the body of the dying bull sprouting plants, animals and all the fruits of the earth. The figure of the god also had a value of mediator between Man and the supreme God of the world's top and bottom. According to James Frazer

Mithraism was a mystery religion that worshiped a god who resurrected after death, comparable to Isis or Demeter-Persephone of the Eleusinian mysteries.
Certainly the mysteries were once a way iniziarica Cap themselves and the world, overcoming the fear of inevitable death, the soldiers always in the company of this dark lady, was very interesting.
As a religion and secret initiatory its sanctuaries were always made in underground environments because of the darkness of the mind can rise to the light of the soul. Moreover many saints have taken refuge in the caves to find God

able to start

Corax (Raven): associated with Mercury. Symbols: crow, cadduceo, ram, turtle, pound, jar.
Cryphius or Nymphus (Chrysalis): associated with Venus. This request appears to have been able to chastity. Symbols: snake, crown, candle.
Miles (Soldier): associated with Mars. Tertullian tells us that the candidate had to fight a man with the sword to win the crown. The neophyte had to kneel, naked, blindfolded and with hands tied. He was then offered a wreath at the tip of a spear. Once crowned, the ropes were cut with one stroke of the spear and removed the blindfold. Then remove the crown from the head and placed it on his shoulder, saying: "Mithra is my only crown." Symbols: scorpion, shrimp, helmet, spear, Phrygian cap, a knapsack.
Leo (Leo): associated with Jupiter, represents fire. This is why the lions were not allowed to touch water during the ritual, and instead honey was offered to the initiate to wash his hands and anoint his tongue. The lions brought food for the ritual meal that was prepared by those of lower grades. The commitments included the control of the lions of the sacred flame of the altar. The ritual meal, consisting of bread and wine, was the last supper of Mithra and his companions, before his ascent to heaven on the chariot of the sun symbols: dog, cypress, laurel, thunderbolt, eagle, wasp. "Accipite thuricremos, pater sancte Accipite leones for Quosa Thura Damus, for Quosa consumimur ipsi." "Accept a friendly, Holy Father, the Lions burning incense, we scatter them through the incense, and through them we will end up"
Perses (Persian): Associated with the Moon. The Persian is Cautopates, the pastor with the torch down. The initiative was purified with honey, because it was under the protection of moon. Symbols that belong to this degree: bow, quiver, stick, crescent moon, owl, nightingale, arches, akinakes, Chiva, pitcher, dolphin, tripod, ear.
Heliodromus (Heliodromo): Associate at The Sun 'is Heliodromo Cautes, which raises the torch and the rising of the sun heralds the birth of consciousness. Symbols: crown with seven rays, torch, whip, ear, globe, chicken, lizard, crocodile, palm.
Pater (father): The last instance, associated with Saturn, Saturn through the restoration of the Age of Gold .... redeunt Saturnia reigns. Representative on earth of Mithra, hat and red pants, with a curved stick from the tip: the pastoral contact with Earth. In mitreo S. Prisca Pater is sitting on the throne and began the march forward.

without knowing the values \u200b\u200bwe try to decipher the symbols:

The crow is the bird, black, foreboding of death, is the work of the alchemists to Black is the darkness of the mind that knows the world and if itself. The discovery of his own blindness.
The chrysalis is the closure of the initiate to the outside world, caught only by the inner search.
The soldier is the ability to follow the path to breaking down barriers within.
The lion is waking up with awareness of instinct.
The Persian, the pastor with the torch down, is the awareness of inevitable death.
The Heliodromo, the pastor with fiacola Above is the rebirth of being new, that it looked death in the face and has accepted it without fear.
The Pater is one who, as a father can teach others the path to the simple fact that he has accomplished.


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