Thursday, March 4, 2010

Does Prolexis Penis Patch Work

Near the Galata tower. Istanbul

The descent to the street musicians Galata is pleasant or because someone tries to buy an instrument and then feel the rhythm of drums and the strings of a lute turkish, or banquet multicolored fruit down the street, lively, fresh and inviting. Before leaving the Galip Dede Caddesi, is good to pause a moment to drink a juice mixed (karıscık) freshly squeezed orange and pomegranate. At this point, instead of yielding to the temptation to immediately reach the Galata Tower, it is really advisable to explore the Serdarı Ekrem Sokak, the first right intersection. This is apparently a street like many others, after having walked a few meters, you start to take a special atmosphere. Here, in fact, many creative people are choosing to settle in Istanbul that have appreciated a little soul 'in this secluded place in spite of the vitality and beneficial near the tower. The hybrid nature and energies of many young talents who are still here to open studios, workshops, galleries, Ekrem Sokak Serdarı make a nursery of the city, particularly with regard to the design and fashion. Amusement Park (17 / b) is a design studio design addressed mainly to insiders. Definitely more appealing to those who come to spend it instead on building, successful cross between an art gallery, a bar-restaurant and a fashion-store.

Exposures proposals are interesting, especially the photographs. In the large central table you can eat, drink, computer work and the choice of cocktails is extensive. At the bottom it opens a section dedicated to fashion, twelve stands, each of a young turkish fashion designers as well as an exhibition of extravagant shoes and Zeynep Duyğulu a proposal for a unique leather collars for dogs and cats debauchery.

Serdarı Ekrem Sokak, for what concerns the fashion, you are setting deliberately place as opposed to Nisantasi, the district of Istanbul of the big international names. In this corner
hidden in the shadow of the Galata Tower propitiatory, have decided to open their shops young but already popular designers such as Turkish and Korçan Simay Bülbül Bahar (the original creations of the latter arise from mixtures of silk and light tunnels leather).
Serdarı Ekrem Sokak But it still suspended between a promising future identity and anonymity of a past that is not fully behind it, so next to new modern premises and carefully in detail, still resists the shop of a craftsman working copper and wood carving and many beautiful old buildings waiting to be restored. Here you will find the pottery workshop of Sadullah Çekmece where you reinvent the traditional reasons Iznik and Kütahya, and the next vintage furniture store Stok 60/70. Going further you will reach the charming nineteenth-century Church of the Crimea and in front, across the street, there is the small stringed instruments of Seyda Hacızade delicious, with dried hydrangea flowers that hang from the windows, a Venetian mask and other souvenirs of the wall 'Italie (Seyda studied theater design in Venice and is fluent in Italian). Retracing the path back towards the tower you can stop to drink tea from Mavra, which offers a coffee 'enveloping atmosphere, good music, comics and various gadgets to buy.
reached and admired the Galata Tower, right in the small Kule Sok Çıkmazı from Hammam can find good cotton bath towels, linen, bamboo, copper bowls and natural soaps at great prices. Surrounding the tower down to the various shops Kuledibi Camekan Sok may intrigue, but the only one worth of shopping is Lalaye that offers a good selection of bedding made strictly in Turkey. At this point we deserved a drink (analcolico!) Konak on the terrace, with breathtaking views of the Bosphorus, Princes Islands, and of course on the Golden Horn, Galata Tower courted as always, at sunset, the flight of gulls crossed .


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